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I love sports, especially Michigan sports. I don't claim to be an expert on facts or records, but I have opinions on most anything. I hope you enjoy my thoughts. Feel free to comment or disagree with me.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Opening Day: Tigers

I am still trying to get over the the disappointment that Polanco and Granderson are not with the Detroit Tigers anymore. How long will it last? They are not making it any easier for me. On the first day with their new teams, Polanco had a grand-salami (4 run homer)with the Phillies and Curtis had a lead off homer with the Yankees. Great starts for both of my favorite players in the past 4 years. I am sure I'll be watching many more Philadelphia and New York games this season to see how they progress. Good luck to both of them.

I thought that the new players for the Tigers played well. Sizemore looked a little young and nervous as a rookie, but Damon and Jackson seemed to fit right in. Both had a good start and looked comfortable playing for Detroit. One thing for sure, the Tigers will have much more speed this year and their bench players like Santiago and Rayburn will fill in nicely. Move over Chicago, the Tigers are coming!

It was a nice comeback win for Detroit on opening day, winning 8 to 4. Verlander pitched well enough, but the thing that stood out for me in game one, was Johnny Damon. I was not overly happy when we got him this year, and I knew it would take some time until I warmed up to him. What a shock. He looked like he had been a Tiger for 10 years. He was up-beat, comfortable and really seemed to be the leader of the team. And this was only his first day. I had heard that he was super in the locker rooms of New York and Boston, but I was impressed on how he stood out here. He looked like he belonged on the team more than Cabrera (20 million dollar man) did. This is hard to say so soon, but Johnny Damon could become my favorite Tiger!

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