The Camper
Sports and a bunch of other things

My Sports Blog
Welcome to my Sports Blog.
I love sports, especially Michigan sports. I don't claim to be an expert on facts or records, but I have opinions on most anything. I hope you enjoy my thoughts. Feel free to comment or disagree with me.
Your feedback will be happily received.
I love sports, especially Michigan sports. I don't claim to be an expert on facts or records, but I have opinions on most anything. I hope you enjoy my thoughts. Feel free to comment or disagree with me.
Your feedback will be happily received.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
With many months to go in this year's presidential election, it is too early to predict what the outcome will be in these unbelievable times. Practically anything could happen, and there could be many surprises and shocks the world has never seen before. Here are a few of my predictions if Donald Trump becomes our next president:
I believe that Donald Trump is loving all this publicity and stardom with the Republican campaigns so far. Crowds are cheering him, the media is catching his every word, and as a showman he loves any mention of his name. He is in his glory right now. There is not a bigger celebrity in the TV world at this moment, and he knows it. This is what he really enjoys and what he is all about. When he says crazy or absurd things he gets the world's attention. He is like the movie stars who have to do odd things to keep them on the cover of all the movie and TV magazines.
But what happens if he becomes president? He doesn't really want this job. He might think so now, but when the daily problems of the country is on his desk every morning, is this is what he wants? The president's job is a very lonely job at the top. And as much as he thinks he can get things done in Washington, he will have a big awakening. Trumps advisers will keep him in check, restrict what he says, and be told to keep secrets by shutting his mouth. He does not want a job like this. In 90 days he will be so fed up with it, that he would probably resign and let the Vice President take over. As president he will be stopped at any weird or oddball things he might want to do by people in Congress who have spent their whole lives trying to improve the conditions of our country. As a citizen, you can say just about anything you want, but as the president you can't. Trump will be disappointed in the job he thinks this is. He would never make it through his first 4 years.
I hope I have not predicted the future.
Bob Camp
Friday, December 5, 2014
Jesus touches us everyday, and some of us never recognize it. Even worshipers, who go to church every week and pray everyday, may not feel the love and mercy God gives us every moment of our lives. It is present, we just don’t recognize it, understand it, or even look for it.
A good example is the day I had last week. On a Friday morning nothing seemed to be going right for me. Everything was a problem, or turning into one. The day before, my heating oil ran out and I had no heat in the house for over 15 hours. I had called the oil company and the lady said that she was sorry, and would have someone out the first thing in the morning. It turned to noon, and the house temperature was down in the 30’s. I had to work on the weekend, and there were chores I had to do that day. I was stuck, cold and fuming about the terrible service, and the service I would probably change as soon as I got some heat in the house.
I was blaming everyone. The driver for being late, the lady who scheduled my deliveries, and everyone else I could think of, including God.
Dear Jesus, where are you? I am told you are always near with your love and your mercy, but I feel nothing. Where is a sign? Why am I having such a rotten day? Do I really deserve this?
My whole day changed when the driver finally arrived. He said that he was sorry, and that he had gone to the wrong house at first. He only works part time, and has two other jobs and was not familiar with my neighborhood or area. I told him it was okay, but I was more concerned about the lady who missed my scheduled delivery. This hadn’t happened in 35 years. He told me that the woman’s husband who was my regular truck driver, had died two weeks ago. He was 58 years old and succumbed to cancer. It was possible things had not been going very smooth for her.
To make a long story short, I had a nice conversation with the oil driver. He told me about his 3 jobs, one being a school bus driver, and we even talked about a mutual friend who I hadn’t seen for over 10 years. He took extra time checking my furnace, and made sure it was working properly before he left. Once my body had warmed up, I thought about all of the things I had learned that day. Had I not run out of oil, I would never had met this driver, who I may never see again, and to find out all of the things he told me. I realized that a few hours of no heat, was not much of a problem like other people’s problems might be. The day now seems like it was a blessing in some way. Not at all like the day that started out.
Bob Camp
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
I know it doesn’t look like it now, but I believe that MSU
coach, Tom Izzo will be the new head coach of the Detroit Pistons next year.
In the middle of the college basketball season, the Spartans
had a lot of injuries, but still looked like a team with a decent bench and one
of the best in the NCAA. It was very stressful for Izzo to juggle the lineups
and try to keep the team on a winning track. He looked exhausted, and it was
probably one of his hardest coaching years.
I believe owner Tom Gores, of the Detroit Pistons, and who
has owned the team since 2011 wants to turn his Pistons around desperately. He
feels it has been too long already, and even though the Detroit team has
improved quite a bit, it is still below average and losing the fan base weekly.
After firing coach, Maurice Cheeks, and using interim John Loyer, the team has
not improved much, although both coaches tried to do their best. Gores needs a
big name coach, or one who will keep the fans calmed down while they get more
players. Izzo is loved all over the state. He will have ample time to develop
the Pistons into contender, basically by the draft and trades. He will have
more time than any other coach that would get the job.
Why do I think Izzo would ever leave Michigan State? Well,
Tom Gores will spend whatever it takes to get a winner. He will offer Tom Izzo
a offer that will be hard to turn down. Izzo will see a fresh start with a new
team, and will not have to keep living up to his reputation as a college coach.
He has achieved what most coaches only dream of, and with the Spartan’s future
not that bright for the coming year, the time to leave is now.
The Spartans won’t have Appling, or Payne next year. Izzo
has suggested to Gary Harris to maybe seek the draft (why?), and Dawson could
be thinking the same way. The new arrivals from high school are very good, but
will not make a big impact on next year. Will the MSU team even make the NCAA
tourney next year? And let me tell you, that is really hard to even think about
Izzo is on the last years of his college career, it would be
a new refreshed start for him. He has the energy and the drive, and what an
achievement it would be to turn the Detroit Piston team around. I say he will
take the job.
Bob Camp
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The national unemployment rate for the month of December was
6.7 percent. It is on a downward trend, but it is way too high, and should be
much lower. Even with so many people out of work, did you know that there is a
national clown shortage? Yes, we are short on the number of clowns in this
country, and it could get much worse.
As old clowns die, young people are not replacing them in
the business. When is the last time you heard a young person say that they were
going to college to become a clown?
Probably never, right? It is just not cool anymore.
Looking towards the future, clowns just might become
extinct. That is, except for the politicians, overpaid sports players, and
young female singers, who do weird things to get people’s attention!
Have you noticed that when you do funny things around
people, they don’t say that you are a funny clown; they just call you an
“idiot.” At least, that is what I get!
I hope that clowns don’t fade away. Most people love them,
and I do too. As a kid, however, I was afraid of the next-door neighbor clown
who always wanted me to come over and check out his many wigs and noses. I
never did, because he had no balloons, and was away from home for long periods
of time.
As a youngster, I might have become a clown, because I
tripped over my feet a lot. I couldn’t take the laughter, and for that reason,
I wear a Batman suit. The laughter is gone.
So if you are looking for a cause to help, I suggest,
“Clowns Are Us.”
Thanks for your support.
Bob Camp
Monday, December 3, 2012
The tragedy of the Kansas City Chief's linebacker, Jovan Belcher shooting himself and killing his girlfriend, Kasandra Perkins is just too horrific to comprehend. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact, that I love football, and it takes up a good portion of my life. However, yesterday I tweeted that the Chief's team should have delayed their game on Sunday with the Carolina Panthers to a later date. I feel that by playing the game it made the tragedy appear less significant for the families, the team, and the fans.
Is football so important? A young woman with a three month-old child is murdered. This to me is a story of shocking domestic violence, which was done by a NFL player. Any other employer would have closed up shop for a couple of days to let the families grieve, and get through the heartbreaking ordeal.
The NFL just goes on with business. Players and coaches all have said tender and kind words, but is that enough?
I am really sad that the NFL could not make up this game at a later date. May the two people who died, rest in peace.
Is football so important? A young woman with a three month-old child is murdered. This to me is a story of shocking domestic violence, which was done by a NFL player. Any other employer would have closed up shop for a couple of days to let the families grieve, and get through the heartbreaking ordeal.
The NFL just goes on with business. Players and coaches all have said tender and kind words, but is that enough?
I am really sad that the NFL could not make up this game at a later date. May the two people who died, rest in peace.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
I am obsessed with many things. Sports, computers, flying, and anything Batman, to name a few. Over the past month I became captivated by a movie. Yes, a movie! I have watched it five times already, and I have a feeling I can't stop. I am getting to the point where I can say all of the lines by heart.
The movie is "Something Borrowed," from a story by Emily Giffin. It stars Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, and Colin Egglesfield to name a few. It is a light comedy, love story that is fast paced, which brings tears and laughter in almost every scene.
I have seen hundreds upon hundreds of movies over the years, and even the best ones, which I love; I have not seen more than twice. Rarely do I watch a movie for the second time.
Why do I want to watch this movie so much? At my age, am I starting to develop mental problems? What is the fixation to this story? It is surely enjoyable, but it wasn't even up for an Academy Award.
For weeks I have been thinking of this, and now I think I may have found the answer of why it is pulling and drawing me back to it.
I believe the characters, Rachel and Dexter are so in love with each other that it is hard to describe to others what it is like. My wife, Gisela and I were the same way. We truly loved each other with all our hearts. This movie brings these memories back to me and it is hard to explain to someone who has never known true love. So many lines in the movie mirrors much of what we said to each other over the years.
Lines like:
"I never thought someone like you would want someone like me."
"I love you, and I have always loved you."
"You are all I think about."
There are many more tender words in the movie, which the actors and actresses do so well performing. When I watch this movie, so many fond memories come back to me, of my beautiful wife, who passed away 6 months ago. I guess that is why I will have to watch it many more times. I love it and I give it 5 stars.
Bob Camp
The movie is "Something Borrowed," from a story by Emily Giffin. It stars Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, and Colin Egglesfield to name a few. It is a light comedy, love story that is fast paced, which brings tears and laughter in almost every scene.
I have seen hundreds upon hundreds of movies over the years, and even the best ones, which I love; I have not seen more than twice. Rarely do I watch a movie for the second time.
Why do I want to watch this movie so much? At my age, am I starting to develop mental problems? What is the fixation to this story? It is surely enjoyable, but it wasn't even up for an Academy Award.
For weeks I have been thinking of this, and now I think I may have found the answer of why it is pulling and drawing me back to it.
I believe the characters, Rachel and Dexter are so in love with each other that it is hard to describe to others what it is like. My wife, Gisela and I were the same way. We truly loved each other with all our hearts. This movie brings these memories back to me and it is hard to explain to someone who has never known true love. So many lines in the movie mirrors much of what we said to each other over the years.
Lines like:
"I never thought someone like you would want someone like me."
"I love you, and I have always loved you."
"You are all I think about."
There are many more tender words in the movie, which the actors and actresses do so well performing. When I watch this movie, so many fond memories come back to me, of my beautiful wife, who passed away 6 months ago. I guess that is why I will have to watch it many more times. I love it and I give it 5 stars.
Bob Camp
Monday, February 20, 2012
I thought that I was one of the biggest Michigan sport fans around. Over the years I have always lived and died with my Motown, and state college teams. From the Wings, Pistons, and Tigers, to Michigan State and the Wolverines. Even when a couple of them were not having a good year, I stood by them through thick and thin, rain or shine, good and get the point! (Here is where my granddaughter would say, "Okay, Grandpa, we get it!")
Last week I had to give my hat off to the best Piston fan ever. Seriously.
About 10 days ago, Judie Kolloen, 65 years old, got out of her car in the Palace parking lot to see her favorite team, the Detroit Pistons. As she was getting out, a relative (I think son) started driving off, catching the lady's leg underneath the car. Needless to say, she was badly hurt, and the Piston medics had to attend to her injury immediately. They suggested that they transfer her to the hospital, but she refused. She had come to see the Pistons play, and she wasn't going anywhere until she saw the game. She sat through the whole thing, had a great time, got signed souvenirs, and to make it even better, the Pistons who had been struggling of late, won the game.
After the game, and after much prodding, she decided to go to the hospital, and there she found out that she had a broken leg. Now is that dedication or what?
So as of today , I have placed myself as the second greatest Detroit fan ever. Judie, in my book, is number one.
Bob Camp
Last week I had to give my hat off to the best Piston fan ever. Seriously.
About 10 days ago, Judie Kolloen, 65 years old, got out of her car in the Palace parking lot to see her favorite team, the Detroit Pistons. As she was getting out, a relative (I think son) started driving off, catching the lady's leg underneath the car. Needless to say, she was badly hurt, and the Piston medics had to attend to her injury immediately. They suggested that they transfer her to the hospital, but she refused. She had come to see the Pistons play, and she wasn't going anywhere until she saw the game. She sat through the whole thing, had a great time, got signed souvenirs, and to make it even better, the Pistons who had been struggling of late, won the game.
After the game, and after much prodding, she decided to go to the hospital, and there she found out that she had a broken leg. Now is that dedication or what?
So as of today , I have placed myself as the second greatest Detroit fan ever. Judie, in my book, is number one.
Bob Camp
college football,
Michigan Sports,
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